Sudha Reddy


Sudha Reddy, WE DFW, Women Entrepreneurs DFW Founder & President

Sudha Reddy is a Social Entrepreneur, Mother, Business Owner and an advocate for Women Advancement and Leadership. Sudha also enjoys bringing her 20+ years career expertise in enabling SAP solutions to top industry leaders in the US.

Sudha earned her MS degree in Information Systems from Eastern Michigan University. Prior to EMU, she attended Texas A&M University, College Station on Regents Fellowship.

Hobbies & Interests:
Family & Friends; Give back to community and support local women businesses through WE DFW; Script creative content ideas; Enjoy movies, music; Read WSJ; Travel; and Keep Learning.

Entrepreneurial Mindset:
Sudha’s startup thinking dates back to dotcom years 1998-2003 when she prototyped her portal content ideas,, to build a community for anyone to share or post about anything and connect to others around the world.

WE DFW Story:
In October 2014, Sudha founded WE DFW non-profit, a grass roots platform, to close this gap and connect women entrepreneurs, women business owners, and women career professionals; enable online visibility to women businesses of all sizes through tools available; develop a community for women to connect, support, share their business experiences and challenges; encourage its members to contribute by taking responsibility and bring forward actions yielding results; and nurture their own intellectual or entrepreneurial thinking.

Sudha hopes WE DFW:
1. to continue to become a stronger community for women to connect, endorse, learn, share their stories, and succeed
2. to be able to create employment or internship opportunities for women and youth
3. to serve as an online hub with curated offers from local businesses interested in promoting and marketing their products and services
4. and to enable a capital fund to invest in women businesses, and jump start women entrepreneur initiatives.

Anything is possible with passion, continued commitment, positive attitude, and learning along the way.

Favorite Leadership Principles:
“We Can Do Anything”
“Pay It Forward”
“Give Back To Community”
“Lead By Example”
“Walk The Talk”

Contact Sudha to learn more about WE DFW or to seek mentoring at 817 914 5463


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